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Schreibt in die Kommis was euch happy macht und gewinnt die Milram 100% pflanzlich Produkte + Statement Socken ❤️ #Wasgehtwasschmeckt #milram #anzeige #Werbung

♬ Originalton - janisyzoe

Janis & Zoe

Janiyszoe x Milram

Party or Netflix? Weight training or yoga? Black or white? Your choice! With the first vegan chocolate or vanilla pudding and the cocoa oat drink “WHAT’S GOING? WAS SCHMECKT!” from Milram, you have the choice! In addition, the three varieties are based on gluten-free oats – pure nature in a small cup. This not only delights full-time vegetarians and vegan fans, but also anyone who craves a change of pace. Janis and Zoe bring the extra portion of good feelings and show what a time-out with the vegan snack should look like on TikTok. The best part? Their community also had a chance to win cool, happy statement socks in a sweepstakes!



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